Bu küçük uygulama ile sisteminizdeki dosya ve klasörleri ağaç (tree) olarak listeleyebilir ve yazdırabilirsiniz.
-Sisteminizdeki mp3 ve ses doyalarının dökümünü alabilirsiniz.
-Word, excel gibi dosyalarınızın listelemesini yapabilirsiniz.
-İsme göre, uzantıya göre, boyuta göre sıralama yapabilirsiniz.
-İsteğe göre alt klasörleri görüntüleyebilirsiniz.
-Baskı önizlemesi yapabilirsiniz.
Printer enables you to print or export directory (folder) listings, a
capability which is not provided by Windows itself. Features include:
* Print file list for single directories or entire trees. When printing
trees, the number of levels of subdirectories printed can be specified.
* Choice of fields to print (long and short file name, file type, size,
date/time, attributes, version information, image information, MP3
artist/title/duration, MS Word/Excel title/subject/author).
* Sort by name, extension, file type, date/time or attributes
* Prints total number and size of files.
* Option to print summary listing (subdirectories only, without files).
* Option to filter files by date.
* Print in any of three different column formats, using any available font.
* Ability to export to ASCII text, HTML, or comma-delimited files
(which can be imported into word processing, spreadsheet or database
* Print preview available.
* As an alternative to the regular listing, a tree view similar to the view in Windows Explorer can be printed.
Portable WinPatrol 16.0.2009.0 Portable WinPatrol 16.0.2009.0(Size: 1,2 MB)"WinPatrol uses a heuristic behavioral approach to detecting attacks."
Portable Wallpaper Cycler Portable Wallpaper Cycler (Size: 5,4 MB) "Cycle desktop wallpapers with a specific delay or at specific times."
BS Editor: Wallpaper Cycler Lite is the free lite version of Wallpaper
Cycler which is an easy to use, yet powerful Desktop Wallpaper
Manager/changer to get rid of that boring static wallpaper on your
desktop. You can change the wallpaper with a specific delay or at
specific times. Wallpapers are easily managed in multi-level categories
which can have time constraints. For example: a category can be defined
for wallpapers that will only be used in the summer. Categories can be
linked to folders on your hard disk to automatically Detect new
wallpapers. A lot of attention has been given to the performance of
Wallpaper Cycler. As a result, Wallpaper Cycler allows you to manage
tens of thousands of wallpapers without slowing down.
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